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Start Acing Chemistry TODAY!

 The ultimate ⚛️ resource: everything you need, all in one place, to excel in chemistry – FAST

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Does this sound familiar?

  • You can’t understand your teacher at all and am feeling frustrated
  • You’re lost in the class and don’t know how to catch up
  • You’re losing confidence in this class and want to give up
  • You’re normally a good student but for some reason, you’re struggling with chemistry
  • You spend hours trying to find the right YouTube video or finding practice exams
  • You’re studying a lot but am still getting poor grades

Now Imagine…

  A one stop shop with everything you need to excel in chemistry that you can access at any time

✅  Being able to easily diagnose your gaps and quickly learn how to do your homework

  Saving hours each week by studying chemistry more efficiently

  Understanding the material so well that you can help your friends

  Feeling confident walking into exams and getting the grade you want

  Actually enjoying chemistry because you understand it and are doing well in the class

If that resonated with you, then you’re in the right place.

How the Conquer Chemistry Masterclass Sets You Up for Success

Over 200
Straight to the Point
Video Lessons
Over 1000
Practice Problems
with Solutions
Practice Exams
Each Chapter
Summary Notes
Each Chapter
Skills Checklist
Each Chapter

Quickly Learn Chemistry in Minutes, Not Hours

Short straight to the point videos for every single type of problems that teaches you what you need to know in easy to understand language. You’ll see many examples, learn shortcuts, and develop a deep understanding of the material fast. No fluff ever. 130+ videos and counting (new videos will be consistently added)

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Master Skills and Gain Immediate Confidence 

After the short video lessons, you’ll find worksheets with tons of problem for you to practice and to apply what you’ve learned in the videos. Each worksheet contains step by step solutions in the end for you to check your work so you can confidently know you’re doing the problems correctly. 1000+ problems and counting with new problems being adding consistently.

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Catch up and Get Ahead of Your Class

Getting ahead has never been easier. The video lessons and practice problems are all organized according the natural progression of the class that teachers typically follow. Just watch the next couple of videos and you’ll be leagues ahead of your classmates.

Weekly Office Hours for Personalized Guidance

This is not just an online course. You’ll get personalized help from me.

Each week, I host a designated time to answer your questions. Gets your questions answered directly by me and learn from questions of other students. Submit your questions ahead of time. I’ll answer them during office hours and post the detailed solutions afterwards.


Prepare and Ace Your Exams with Curated Assessments

Following each unit, you’ll find multiple practice exams that will fully prepare you for your upcoming quiz, exam, or final. The exams are in all formats (multiple choice, free response, mix). You’ll never run out of study material again.

Masterclass Exams

In Addition, You’ll Also Get Access To

The Ultimate Chemistry Reference Sheet and Equation Guide

In this 40+ page guide organized by chapters, you’ll find all the chemistry equations, explanation of when to use which equation, visuals and flowcharts for the most important skills, and the necessary reference charts

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Semester 1 & 2 Skills Checklist

The beginning of each chapter includes a skills checklist that tells you exactly what you’re responsible for in the chapter and allows you to quickly assess what you know and don’t know in the unit. With these checklist, you’ll be able to easily monitor your progress.

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You’ll Get Videos, Notes, Practice Problems, and Exams on:

👇 Click Chapters to Expand

A Preview Into the Masterclass

Over 200
Straight to the Point
Video Lessons
Over 1000
Practice Problems with Solutions
Practice Exams
Each Chapter
Summary Notes
Each Chapter
Skills Checklist
Each Chapter

Meet Your Chemistry Coach

Hi, I’m Michael! Since 2011, I’ve tutor over 550 students exclusively in chemistry, helping them achieve grades they’re happy with.

Throughout that time, I’ve noticed students asking the same questions and having the similar struggles. I’ve also noticed that teachers tend to test on the same type of questions on exams as well.

Finally, I’ve decided to put everything together into an online course that will help you conquer chemistry. Everything you need (short clear videos, practice problems, solutions, practice exams, etc), all in one place.



What past students say about the Conquer Chemistry Masterclass

 Beth H:


I used to struggle with chemistry, but this course made it so much more manageable. The videos are super clear and really helped me grasp the concepts. The practice problems were invaluable for improving my skills, and the notes were like my secret weapon when studying. Thanks to this course, I feel much more confident in chemistry now. It’s been a huge help!

 David B:


The masterclass is so worth it. It saved me lots of time and some of the practice questions even showed up on my exam! I like that the questions had step by step solutions, and that there are so many examples.

 John S.


The Chemistry Masterclass has been a big help along with my tutor. I have a tutor who helps me with chemistry, but this class is like extra help. The videos are easy to understand and make things clearer. The practice problems and notes are like practice, and they help me remember what I learn. It’s like having a tutor all the time, and it helps me get better at chemistry. Thanks to this class and my tutor, I’m getting better at chemistry, and I’m happy with that

 Annie Y:


I discovered Michael from his YouTube channel and decided to sign up for the masterclass. This class has been a complete game-changer for me. The videos are like having a knowledgeable friend explain things in a way that just clicks.  I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my confidence. I was able to secure an A with the masterclass.

 Emily H:


Before enrolling, I used to spend hours searching for the right videos and problems online. It was frustrating and time-consuming. However, this masterclass changed everything. It’s like having all the essential resources under one roof. The videos are spot-on, the practice problems are exactly what I needed, and the time I save not hunting for materials is invaluable.

 Christopher T:


One of the things I appreciate most about the masterclass is how it syncs seamlessly with my AP textbook. The videos and  questions are like a well-structured companion to the textbook, making it much easier to understand AP Chemistry. Protip: I suggest watching the videos and looking at the worksheets before going to class. You’ll feel like you already know what your teacher is teaching!

Let’s Sum it Up

Here’s everything you’ll get in the Conquer Chemistry Masterclass

⚡️ Organized Course with Succinct Video Lessons, High Yield Problems, and Practice Exams

  • Over 200 videos
  • Over 1000 practice problems with solutions
  • 18 chapters with 1-3 practice exam in each chapter

($800 value)

($400 value)

🧾 Ultimate Chemistry Equation & Reference Guide

($10 value)

✅ Chemistry 1 & 2 Skills Checklist

($40 value)

🙌 Confidence Knowing You’ll Do Well in Chemistry


😎 Happiness and Low Stress Learning Chemistry


Total Conquer Chemistry Masterclass Value: $850

Total Conquer Chemistry Masterclass Investment: Only $45.75/month ($1.52/day)


Monthly Access


Everything you need to excel in chemistry through the next test

Ongoing subscription. Cancel anytime.

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6 Months Access

$49.83/month (16% discount)

Everything you need to excel in chemistry for the semester

$299 due today ($55 savings)

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12 Months Access

$45.75/month (23% discount)

Everything you need to excel in chemistry for the entire school year

$549 due today ($159 savings)

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Your Alternatives

There are two alternatives but they are more costly and less effective

You can hire a tutor

Good chemistry tutors are extremely difficult to find and often cost $100+/hr. Plus you’ll be meeting with the tutor multiple times a month, which can add up to $800+ per month. This can be much more if the tutor isn’t efficiently teaching you the material. The tutor also will most likely just help you with your homework , but may not be helping you prepare for exams. What if you need help in between tutoring sessions? Where do you go? You’re most likely on your own. For less than the cost of one tutoring session, you can get on demand access to Conquer Chemistry Masterclass. $800+/month vs $45.75/month for everything you need to succeed in chemistry whenever you want. It’s a no brainer. 


You can try to find free material online

Sure, there is a lot of free information online. But there’s almost too much and you won’t know if the material is good or not. You’ll be spending hours and hours searching on YouTube and Google for helpful videos, problems, or exams. The videos you find may too long and leave you more confused than when you started. The information may also contain mistakes, which will hurt your grade if you apply the approach on your exams. The information is also fragmented and unorganized so you won’t have a clear roadmap. For less than $1.52/day, you can get access to the Conquer Chemistry Masterclass where you’ll find everything you need (video lessons, problems, worksheets, exams, personalized helped) organized into a clear roadmap. This is the same course I give my own students so they can make massive progress between their tutoring sessions.

As you can see, Conquer Chemistry Masterclass is extremely cost effective for the value you’re getting and can help you get extraordinary results.


Monthly Access


Everything you need to excel in chemistry through the next test

Ongoing subscription. Cancel anytime.

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6 Months Access

$49.83/month (16% discount)

Everything you need to excel in chemistry for the semester

$299 due today ($55 savings)

Join Now

12 Months Access

$45.75/month (23% discount)

Everything you need to excel in chemistry for the entire school year

$549 due today ($159 savings)

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Frequency Asked Questions

You Have My Word

I’ve put my all into creating this course to make sure it packs the most amount of value and to make sure it has everything you need to succeed in chemistry. I will continually add new helpful videos, problems, exams, and contents so this resource will keep getting better and better. 

Let me show you how manageable chemistry can be and help you achieve your goals in your chemistry class. I want you to excel and I’m here for you.


Chemistry Masterclass