What’s The Best Way To Get Ahead of Your Classmates
What’s The Best Way To Get Ahead of Your Classmates How much of an advantage would you have over your classmates if you have learned the material three times before they have even learned it once? This technique allows you to do just that. P, TN, R stands for preview, take notes, and review. Preview […]

The One Principle that Allows You To “Hack” Chemistry
The One Principle that Allows You To “Hack” Chemistry If you’ve never heard about Pareto’s Principle, your life is about to be changed. Pareto was an Italian economist who observed that 80% of the land inItalywas owned by 20% of the population. Why is this relevant at all? Well, the 80/20 principle doesn’t only apply in […]

How to Get 4+ Hours of Work Done in Two Hours
How to Get 4+ Hours of Work Done in Two Hours Our body functions in cycles. For example, our circadian rhythm dictates when we sleep. Likewise, our brains also work in cycles. The human mind can only focus so long before it fatigues. It is much smarter to follow the natural Ultradian rhythm instead of […]

Get Better Grades With These Chemistry Study Tips
Get Better Grades With These Chemistry Study Tips Learn material the first time around Learn the material the first time it is presented. If you run into something you don’t understand while reading or during class, write down questions or make a note of what you don’t understand. Then commit yourself to learning that concept […]